Papilloma on the body-causes, treatments and how to stop growth

When papillary growth occurs on the trunk, limbs or face, it is always an unpleasant surprise for people. These are benign formations on the skin and can be multiple or single. Unfortunately, human papilloma is a very common disease that develops due to infection with human papillomavirus (HPV), but treatment under modern conditions is not a problem.

What is human papilloma

Papillomavirus is a benign tumor that grows from squamous epithelial tissue. It acts as a drop or nipple on the skin and mucous membranes, and affects human internal organs. There are more than 30 types and subspecies of HPV, and they can easily enter the human body. Depending on the type of pathogen, different types of papilloma can form on the body. They are different in growth rate, appearance, and location.

Papillomavirus can be detected anywhere in the body:

  • Natural folds: groin, armpit, breast, lower abdomen;
  • Face: eyelids, close to the eyes, close to the mouth;
  • Torso: back, abdomen, neck, hands, feet;
  • Genitals: vagina, penis area;
  • Internal organs: intestines, stomach, bladder, esophagus, larynx, trachea.

What does a papilloma look like

Causes of papilloma in the human body

HPV may be different in appearance. Generally, these are oval growths on the body or round protrusions on the skin that resemble nipples.

Their size can be small (1-5 mm), medium (1 cm), large (1-3 cm) and giant (over 3 cm). The texture of the pimples is relatively loose and soft. The spread of blood vessels is usually visible on the surface.

The color is mainly meat, all kinds of brown. In some cases, papilloma has blue, purple or even black and black shades.

Why do papilloma appear

These growths on the human body are viral. Infection is spread through contact with the carrier of a healthy person. Men and women are equally susceptible to infection, but they are infected in different ways. People with weaker sexual capacity may experience burning and itching in the genital area, bleeding, and other vaginal discharge. Sometimes the disease is accompanied by syphilis, chlamydia, herpes and other sexually transmitted diseases.

Men are not afraid of certain viruses that are harmful to women (16, 18). However, stronger sex is the carrier of infection. As for the genitals, frenulum and papilloma on the penis glans or urethra, these are painless type 6 and type 11 benign tumors that must be removed. Penile cancer is very rare.

Infection method

This infection is particularly active in gyms, swimming pools, saunas, and bathrooms. Other causes of papilloma on the body are sexual intercourse, childbirth (from mother to child).

Here are more ways to get human papillomavirus:

  • When kissing, because the virus is contained in saliva;
  • When using personal belongings of an infected person;
  • In the case of insufficient medical device handling.

Type and type

There are estimated to be dozens of types of tumors in the body, so doctors divide them into 5 groups, combining them according to color, symptoms, and the risk of malignant degeneration of skin cells:

Types of human papilloma
  1. Simple papilloma.They are also called rough warts. The prevalence is the highest. The first sign of HPV is a small amount of growth on the skin. During development, it transforms into dark keratinized nodules. It is divided into groups and individual localizations. The favorite place for localization is the hands and the lower part of the face.
  2. Flat papilloma.One characteristic is increased group accumulation. The flat papilloma is not raised, but painted dark. The main parts of the distribution are the upper body and the genital area.
  3. Genital warts.The location is the mucous membrane of the body and genitals. These strains have a risk of carcinogenicity. The main cause of genital warts is sexual intercourse.
  4. Filamentous papilloma.In the scientific world, they are called "acrobats". A characteristic of this species is the legs that support the mole. Acrobats are the growth of aging because they mainly appear in middle-aged and elderly people.
  5. Internal papilloma.This subgroup includes all tumors that develop on internal organs. It is impossible to independently identify genital warts in this group; this requires a special diagnosis. The presence of disease can give rise to symptoms.

Virus danger

Human papillomavirus infection is usually not a major health hazard. However, certain species can degenerate into malignant tumors. If a non-carcinogenic papilloma starts to grow, for example in the back, mouth or groin area, it can also cause a lot of inconvenience. They are often injured, after which ulcers and wounds remain on the body and are prone to infection. Bladder processes usually cause an inflammatory process, and growth in the uterine cavity can sometimes cause female infertility.


If you find a papilloma on your body, you should consult a dermatologist. After the initial examination, the doctor will send the patient for cytology and blood tests (tumor markers, HPV, DNA). This is necessary to determine the pathological process and the type of viral infection associated with the risk of cancer. If cervical tumors appear, colposcopy is needed.

How to get rid of papilloma on the body

There are many ways to treat growth. In the complex treatment process, it is best to stop the growth of papilloma in the body. It is impossible to completely eliminate human papillomavirus from the body, but it can reduce its activity for a long time by increasing immunity. The proliferation of papules can be treated with surgery and treatment. Folk recipes also contribute to HPV infection.

How to get rid of HPV with drugs

When HPV first appeared, doctors prescribed medicine to reduce the chance of infecting others. In gynecology and dermatology, various drugs are used to combat viral infections.

Laser removal

Generally, if people look unsightly or cause discomfort, such as in private places, necks or natural folds of the skin, they usually remove growths through surgery. Laser removal of the papilloma takes several minutes. The essence is to use a device that can burn off the tumor. It does not come into contact with the skin, ensuring a high degree of safety during the operation. The advantages of this technique include no blood loss, no pain and quick recovery.

Disadvantages of laser treatment:

  • High cost;
  • Unable to study remote growth.

Liquid nitrogen

Using liquid nitrogen to remove tumors (freezing destruction) is also effective. Although this process is simple, it still requires preparation: thoroughly wash the skin area that will be frozen, and shave if any. To apply nitrogen, the expert will use a metal cotton swab with a cotton swab and immerse it in a container filled with a transparent liquid. Afterwards, contact with the papilloma will occur within 1-5 seconds. Recovery will be completed within 2-3 days. The advantages of this process are simple, fast and efficient.

Disadvantages of this method:

  • The possibility of damaging surrounding tissues;
  • Pain during conduction;
  • Can’t remove large growths,

Radio wave method to treat papilloma

The essence of this technology is to affect the formation of high-frequency radio waves that are completely harmless to health. In order to remove the papilloma, the doctor fixes the beam at the problem point for a few seconds. After the operation, medication is required. The advantage of the radio wave method lies in its versatility-different types of warts, moles, and papillomas on any part of the skin disappear easily. It can even be used in difficult areas, such as the eye area. There is no scar after the operation.

Disadvantages of this method:

  • High cost;
  • is ​​not effective in eliminating large growth.


How to get rid of papilloma on the body

A medical procedure in which a precisely coordinated electrical current eliminates benign growth. Electrocoagulation is carried out with a device equipped with rings and electrodes, which are heated to high temperatures. This operation is performed under local anesthesia. For children, the excision is performed under general anesthesia. After burning off the tumor, treat the skin with an antiseptic. This process takes 5-10 minutes.

The advantages of this method include the safety and effectiveness of eliminating skin diseases, the possibility of preventing infection, and the possibility of histology.

Disadvantages of electrocautery:

  • Risk of residual scars;
  • Relatively sore;
  • Long recovery period (up to 10 days);
  • May recur at the removal site.

How to remove moles and papillomas through folk remedies

Based on the comments of patients who are HPV carriers, using alternative recipes after medication and/or any removal method will help clear the virus more quickly.

At home, for the external manifestations of papilloma, the following methods are effective:

  1. Celandine.It is necessary to lubricate vegetation with freshly squeezed plant juice several times a day.
  2. Bananas.In order to speed up the treatment, it is necessary to apply the pulp to the tumor. Bananas are particularly effective for small plant warts.


The following preventive measures are shown to prevent recurrence:

  • Regular checks on HPV;
  • Avoid casual sexual contact;
  • Maintain immunity: eat right, temper temper;
  • Control the growth and shape changes of untreated papilloma;
  • Vaccination with 2% serum (three times within six months).